Supporters of isolationism will be quick to point out all the things supposedly wrong with the statement “globalization benefits us all”. They will do so in the comment threads of YouTube videos, on Twitter or Facebook, posting their opinions to a global audience, typing on their smartphones manufactured in China and with components from Africa,…
Category: Technology
Terrorism is without question an issue of global concern, and, as like most such issues, an incredible divisive one. The world has not been the same since 2001, with security specialists commonly referring to the “pre-” and “post-nine-eleven” world. The attacks in September of 2001 shook the world, and the US’ decisive and forceful reaction…
China is in a good position today, without question. Domestically, standards of living have been increasing and the economic growth of around 7% persists, and on a global scale, weak and isolationist United States leave more and more room for Chinese “soft power” – investments of various sorts – to give Beijing increasing leverage,…
There probably isn’t a single company with more influence over our lives than Google. Which got me thinking – what will happen when Google dies one day? For, as unrealistic as it seems, monopolies can still die, as evidenced by the death of IBM’s monopoly in computer technology. It is important to note that it…