By Linus B. Höller, MA Candidate in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. This paper was written as part of the graduate class “Science and Technology for Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies” at MIIS. The life sciences module was taught by…
Category: Technology
By Linus Hoeller, Northwestern University The concept of American decline has been around for about as long as America has been a global power. This is not surprising; when you are at the top, it can seem like the only way to go is down. The United States experienced its unipolar moment following the fall…
Diesen Artikel auf Deutsch lesen The emergence and subsequent global spread of a novel type of coronavirus in the first half of 2020 abruptly put the brakes on our globalized society. Borders went up, planes stayed down, and people all over the world stayed home. As a result of lockdowns, our usually mobile world suddenly…
By Linus Hoeller Title Image: Documents taken from Over one million Uighurs have been placed in high-security re-education facilities by Chinese authorities, the United Nations estimate. A Muslim minority of around ten million people in western China’s Xinjiang province, the Uighurs are the target of a systematic campaign by the central government to re-shape…

Internet personalities have a lot of influence over public opinion. But it might be easy to miss just how many people a single YouTube channel can reach. This infographic provides a bit of an insight.
Opinionated essay Children are starving in Yemen. Poverty is skyrocketing in Venezuela. Violence in Afghanistan is showing no sign of stopping. Chances are good that you’ve recently been reminded about these happenings through your Facebook, Reddit, Twitter feeds. Social media is a powerful tool for making stories heard. However, it may be delaying us from…
Loved by some, despised by others, Comic Sans is unquestionably not just an iconic symbol of nostalgia for the turn of the millennium, but also a font which polarizes people in a way few others are able to. But what is the true impact of Comic Sans? The exact cost in Euros or Dollars of…
Thomas Edison is well-known for having had the bright idea of inventing the incandescent light bulb. The year was 1879 when this revolutionary invention was patented, and though it was initially decried by some as solely being a fad of the time, we truly couldn’t live without it today. But while the light bulb gets…
We lead the best lives that humans have ever had. With all the doom and gloom going on in the world around us, seemingly unending wars being fought in the middle east and still all too many people suffering of extreme poverty and hunger in less economically developed countries, this is easy to forget. Yet it is true, and especially in light of seemingly unsolvable crises and problems, it is well worth slowing down and taking a look at the empirical evidence that exists, reminding ourselves that: yes, there are problems, but yes, our lives are actually pretty good.