Austria’s Media Landscape has a History of heavy State Involvement – and (fragile) Freedom of the Press

By Linus Hoeller, Northwestern University Reports Without Borders consistently ranks Austria among the best countries when it comes to press freedom in their annual investigations. In RSF’s 2021 report, Austria ranked 17th – putting into the second-highest bracket of countries altogether and near the top even of the European countries[1]. Curiously, there are some discrepancies…

How Political Intrigue Means that Chicago’s Far South Side is Still Waiting for a Connection to Downtown – Promised in the 60s.

By Linus Hoeller, Northwestern University Few Chicagoans can remember a time before the promises of a southward extension of the city’s public transportation backbone, the Chicago Transit Authority’s Red Line. However, none has seen it go beyond a mere promise. Decades have passed since the idea of extending the Red Line, going from the Northern…