Title Image (c) SPIEGEL Online (www.spiegel.de) Article by Linus H. President Aleksandr Lukashenko seems more unsettled than usual by the annual 25th of March protests in Belarus, a country which he has led in an authoritarian manner for almost 30 years. The call for democracy is getting louder, and the authorities respond with harsh crackdowns. More…
Category: Oppression
Some people may know about China’s organ harvesting program, with up to 13,000 forced organ “donations” annually, may have heard about political opponents being murdered in Moscow or concentration camps in North Korea – but not only Russia, China and wacky central African regimes with the lifespan of a one day fly make people disappear….
The fall of the Berlin Wall following the mass demonstrations on November 9th, 1989 was one of the largest geopolitical events in recent history, which ultimately led to the reunification of Germany and the peaceful transition of power of the “communist” regimes in eastern Europe, which ultimately led to the fall of the Soviet Union…
The traces of history can still be found everywhere in Berlin, if you know what to look for. Many old buildings still have bullet holes, some of the bullets that were fired still remain in the walls. There is still a gap in most places where the Berlin Wall used to separate East and West…
Recent reports suggest that Kim Jong Un, who is the third generation leader of North Korea (formally the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK) may slowly be losing his grip on power over the country and party – or at least think that he is. A recently released South Korean report on the North’s dictator…
The Chinese government has recently started cracking down on activists and lawyers that may become a threat the the Communist Party of China’s supreme rule over the country. In recent months, about 300 lawyers and human rights activists have been detained and will be put on trial by the Chinese government – just on Monday…