Introduction Adolf Hitler’s “Machtergreifung”[1] on the 30th of January 1933 created the foundation for open anti-Semitic violence, which would eventually pave the way into what became known as the holocaust: the “systematic, state-organized persecution and murder of at least six million Jews … by Nazi-Germany”.[2] Antisemitism was nothing new when the NSDAP[3] gained power in…
Author: Linus Hoeller
Terrorism is without question an issue of global concern, and, as like most such issues, an incredible divisive one. The world has not been the same since 2001, with security specialists commonly referring to the “pre-” and “post-nine-eleven” world. The attacks in September of 2001 shook the world, and the US’ decisive and forceful reaction…
With the “rise fo the right”, left-wing policies are increasingly challenged in western countries. Where does social democracy still hold out? Where is socialism ingrained into the country’s constitution? The map below may help to provide an overview about 2018’s* communist, socialist and social democratic nations. *(Map created to the best of the author’s ability…
“Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”. Except when they don’t. “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth [in the Declaration of Human Rights], without distinction of any kind” Except when they are refugees. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity…
China is in a good position today, without question. Domestically, standards of living have been increasing and the economic growth of around 7% persists, and on a global scale, weak and isolationist United States leave more and more room for Chinese “soft power” – investments of various sorts – to give Beijing increasing leverage,…
There probably isn’t a single company with more influence over our lives than Google. Which got me thinking – what will happen when Google dies one day? For, as unrealistic as it seems, monopolies can still die, as evidenced by the death of IBM’s monopoly in computer technology. It is important to note that it…
Peru has been rocked by demonstrations for the past several days, as the country is moving closer to a political power struggle between the clan of former authoritarian president Alberto Fujimori, and ruling president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK). The protestors on the street call for PPK to resign following his highly controversial pardon of…
It has been 60 years since the Cuban revolution, and much like ever before, the country continues to polarize. One of the highest literacy rates in the world, free education and healthcare are seen as exemplary by many. On the other hand, though, Amnesty International and other human rights organizations are reiterating their calls…
When thinking about repressive regimes where people “disappear”, that work their own people to death and have some seemingly absurd policies, North Korea usually comes to mind first. Much less known is its close runner-up and African counterpart: Eritrea. Eritrea is a relatively small and very poor nation located at the eastern coast of…
Europe’s diplomats and heads of state are playing with an idea that, until a few years ago, seemed almost unthinkable: creating Europe’s very own nuclear force, a “Eurodeterrent” of sorts, with the main aim of becoming less dependent on the US while still being safe from Russia. Europe is in a difficult situation. On the…